Online demonstrations - UCUq

Online demonstrations of UCUq #

Here are a few programs using UCUq to control a simulation of various components connected to an ESP32.

Launch the simulation on Wokwi #

Open the link below in a separate window, or even on another device. Go to the ucuq.json tab and give any value (not too trivial) to each of the two empty strings in the Identification input (arrows ‘Token’ and ‘Id’).

Simulation on <em>Wokwi</em>

  • Simulation on Wokwi: simulation of an assembly of various components connected to an ESP32 controlled by the programs below.

Start the simulation by clicking on the green button. Leave this window open.

Configuration #

Launch the application below and set the Token and Id fields to the corresponding values given in the Wokwi simulation above.

Click on the Save button and hide the insert.

Demonstrations #

Python (without GUI) #

Click on the inserts below and observe the result in the simulator. Programs are launched automatically. You can modify a program directly in the navigator and/or relaunch it with the run button.

GPIO (on-board LED + 7-segment display) #

Lights the on-board LED and the 7-segment display connected to the same pin.

SSD 1306 (OLED) #

Displays a message on the small OLED display at top left.

PWM (buzzer) #

Sound emission by the passive buzzer.

WS2812 (RGB LEDs) #

Lights the RGB LED ring and the small attached RGB LED.

PWM (servo) #

Servomotor rotation.

HD44780 (LCD) #

Displays a message on the LC display.

Python (with GUI) #

RGB LEDs (WS2832) #

Click on the little red switch to interact with the device.

Simon’s game #

A game inspired by Simon.

Click on the little red switch, then the New button.

Blockly #

An overview of the use of Blockly to program with UCUq.

Click on the inserts below, then on the red button to launch the application. Observe the result in the simulator.

The code in the Python tab can be copied into one of the above inserts for execution (with or without modifications).

Programs can be saved/loaded by copy/paste the content of the XML or JSON tabs.

RGB ring:

LCD display:


Very simple program to light up a LED. The Token and Id fields are empty as the program relies on values given through above Config application, but you can give the Token/Id of a device on which you installed UCUq.