IMPORTANT (really): the various methods below are only executed by the microcontroller when ucuq.commit() is called.

GPIO class #

Manages an output corresponding to a microcontroller pin.

  • GPIO(<pin>) (constructor): returns an object managing the pin identified by <pin>;
  • high(): sets the pin to high state;
  • low(): sets the pin to the low state.

WS2812 class #

Manages LEDs of type WS2812.

  • WS2812(<pin>,<count>) (constructor): returns an object managing <count> WS2812 LEDs connected to pin <pin>;
  • setValue(<index>, <value>): sets the LED of index <index> (starting at 0) to color <value> (in format [R,G,B] from 0 to 255) in the buffer;
  • fill(<value>): puts all LEDs at color <value> in the buffer;
  • write(): sends buffer content to LEDs.

I2C class #

Manages the I2C protocol.

  • I2C(<sda>,<scl>) (constructor): returns an object managing a component connected to the microcontroller pins identified by <sda> and <scl> and supporting the I2C protocol.

SoftI2C class #

Same as the I2C class, but managed by software, so <sda> and <scl> can be any microcontroller GPIO pin.

HT16K33 class #

Manages a HT16K33 component.

  • HT16K33(<i2c>) (constructor): returns an object managing a HT16K33 component through <i2c> which must be an instance of I2C or SoftI2C;
  • setBlinkRate(<rate>): defines as <rate> the number of times per second that the display blinks (allowed values: 0, 0.5, 1 and 2);
  • setBrightness(<brightness>): sets <brightness> as the display brightness (from 0 and 15);
  • clear(): empties the display buffer;
  • draw(<pattern>): places <pattern>, which must be a sequence of hexadecimal characters each representing 4 pixels, in the display buffer;
  • plot(<x>,<y>,<ink>): turns on if <ink> is at 1 or off if <ink> is at 0 the pixel at position <x>, <y> in the display buffer;
  • show(): sends the content of the buffer to the display.

PWM class #

Management of an output of type PWM.

  • PWM(<pin>,<freq>,*,ns=<ns>,u16=<u16>) (constructor): returns an object generating a signal on an output of PWM type identified by <pin> with a frequency of <freq> Hz and with a pulse width of <ns> nanoseconds or a ratio of <u16> / 65536 (<ns> and <u16> cannot be defined simultaneously);
  • setU16(<u16>): generates a signal with a pulse width ratio of <u16> / 65536;
  • setNS(<ns>): generates a signal with a pulse width of <ns> nanoseconds;
  • setFreq(<freq>): generates a signal with a frequency of <freq> Hz.

HD44780_I2C class #

Manages an LCD display based on the HD44780 controller through the I2C protocol.

  • HD44780_I2C(<i2c>,<lines>,<columns>) (constructor): returns an object managing, through <i2c> which must be an instance of I2C or SoftI2C, a HD44780 controller connected to an LCD display of <lines> rows and <columns> columns;
  • moveTo(x,y): positions the cursor on the <x> line and the <y> column;
  • putString(<string>): displays the string <string>;
  • clear(): clears the display;
  • hideCursor(): hides the cursor;
  • showCursor(): displays the cursor;
  • blinkCursorOff(): deactivates cursor blinking;
  • blinkCursorOn(): enables cursor blinking;
  • backlightOff(): deactivates backlight;
  • backlightOn(): enables backlight.

SSD1206_I2C class #

Manages an OLED screen via the I2C protocol.

  • SSD1206_I2C(<width>,<height>,<i2c>): returns an object managing an OLED screen of dimensions <width> by <height> through <i2c>, which must be an instance of I2C or SoftI2C;
  • fill(<col>): fills the buffer with the <col> color;
  • pixel(<x>,<y>,<col>): sets the pixel at position <x>, <y> in the buffer to color <col>;
  • scroll(<dx>,<dy>): moves the pattern in the buffer by <dx>, <dy> pixels;
  • text(<text>,<x>,<y>): places the string <text> in the buffer at position <x>, <y>;
  • rect(<x>,<y>,<w>,<h>,fill=<fill>: places a rectangle of width <w> and height <h> at position <x>, <y> in the buffer and fills it if <fill> and True (default value);
  • show()`: sends the buffer contents to the display.