
Inspiration #

Here are a few applications, some of which allow users to interact with each other (two-panel preview). All these applications are grouped together in the repository at The term in brackets is the name of the folder in which the source code for each application is located.

Clicking on an application’s preview gives you access to its repl, from which the application can be launched, shared, explored, modified and used as inspiration to create your own applications, as detailed in the Action! section.

Clicking on Code displays the application’s source code. An application can have more than one source file, which can be displayed from its repl.

Hello, World! (Hello) #

Hello, World! program showing the basics of a Zelbinium application. The application simply displays a message showing the contents of a text field.

Hello, World! shared (Hellos) #

Same application as above, but messages are displayed to all users. Shows the basics of an application that allows users to interact.

Messages (Messages) #

This is the application used in the Action! section. It allows messages to be exchanged between all devices connected to the same application.

Widgets (Widgets) #

This application shows an example of use of commonly used graphical interface components (widgets) and the corresponding source code (HTML and Python).

Connect Four (FourInARow) #

The Connect Four game.

Mancala (Mancala) #

The ancient two-player, seed-sowing game.

Grab the seeds from a pit on your side and place one in each following pit, going counterclockwise and skipping your opponent’s store. If your last seed lands in an empty pit of yours, move the opposite pit’s seeds into your store. The goal is to get the most seeds in your store on the side of the board. If the last placed seed is in your store, you get a free turn.

Flood it! (Flooder) #

Set the upper left color/shape, which fills in all the adjacent squares of that color/shape, by selecting a square with the desired color/shape. Try to make the entire board the same color/shape.

Pig game (PigGame) (with sound) #

A multi-player version of the Pig game.

Warning: this game features sound effects!